

Sustainability: governance, strategy, to get results.

“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

Brundtland Commision UN 1987



The key of sustainability

There is no sustainability without respecting human rights.

Sustainable development has three dimensions (Triple Bottom Line): it is a balance between environmental, economic and social development. Everything else is just green washing.

The right questions

When a new organisation ask me support for sustainability matters I always ask about their policy : is sustainability a strategic goal? What are they doing in terms of human rights? And much more. Sustainability is a matter of deep involvement that starts from policy and top management of the organisation.


Why should an organisation be sustainable? Is it only a compliance matter?

If an organisation take sustainability just in terms of compliance to national and international regulations, for sure it comes to a costs increase. There is no pay off.
On the other hand sustainability is an enormous opportunity to study new technologies, improve strategic partnership, being more competitive.
Furthermore there is a rising request from investors and financial institutions to understand the sustainable development of an organization: they consider more risky companies without an ESG approach deeply integrated in their policy. Employees, especially young generations, pay a lot of attention to the sustainable policy of the companies: more attractiveness and higher retention.

There is always more attention to green washing: it is necessary to define an adequate policy commitment and embedding of the policy through business, top management involvement, a due diligence on all on-going activities and business relationships, highlighting not only positive but also negative impacts, serious stake holders engagement ( in all the value chain, including suppliers).

Sustainability around the world

GRI standards are the first and more used sustainability standards in the world. They provide a fantastic opportunity for the organisations to report in a accurate, clear and comparable way, incorporating the major intergovernmental organisation requirements, including the 17 United Nations SGDs, to which they are deeply connected.

GRI standards allow organisations to disclose their most significant impacts on economy, environment and people, including those on human rights,

  • 78% of largest companies in the world
  • 68% of the 5800 largest companies in 58 countries

Report using GRI standards.

This is why

I’m GRI certified sustainability professional, the independent organisation that has been  the first  in developing  sustainability guide lines and standards and has been officially collaborating with UNEP (United Nations Envirorment Program) since 2002 . My mission is to help companies to find their way to a real sustainable development for a more sustainable future.

A blueprint to achieve a better
and more sustainable future for all

Let’s keep in touch!

I create improvement in terms of profit and savings.
And I show how to keep achieving it.

Below, on the left, my LinkedIn page and on the right, BTAS's.